Wasps are a fascinating species of insect, known for their distinctive appearance, aggressive behaviour, and ability to sting. There is a common misconception that wasps can only drink, and not eat. However, this is not entirely true.
How Did The Misconception Start?
Some species of wasps, such as cuckoo wasps and parasitoid wasps, do not feed on solid food. Instead, they rely on the food stored in their hosts’ nests to sustain themselves. For example, cuckoo wasps lay their eggs in the nests of other wasp species, and the young wasps feed on the food stored in the nest, eventually killing the host larvae.
Additionally, some adult wasps feed on nectar and other liquid sources of food, but do not eat solid food. This is because they do not have mouthparts designed for chewing, and instead have a long, straw-like proboscis that they use to suck up nectar and other liquids.
What Do Wasps Typically Feed On?
However, most wasps feed on a variety of foods, including nectar, sap, fruit juice, and insects. These foods provide energy and nutrients necessary for the wasp to survive and carry out its various functions, such as building nests, caring for its young, and defending its colony.
It is also important to note that adult wasps do not feed on solid food to sustain themselves, as they are in the final stage of their life cycle and do not need to store energy for future use. Instead, they feed on liquid sources of food to maintain their energy levels and carry out their duties within the colony.
While some species of wasps do not eat solid food, most wasps do feed on a variety of foods, including nectar, sap, fruit juice, and insects. The ability of wasps to feed on solid food varies depending on the species, as well as their stage in the life cycle. Whether they feed on solid food or only drink, wasps play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and providing important services, such as pollination and pest control.